The fastest way to save on tools

Tool audits
that save budgets

detool automatically surveys your team about their tools and connects with Google Workspace to find inactive seats.
Build better budgets and save precious cash.

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Save your time and thousands of dollars

Watch the demo and see detool in action.

Get ready to make decisions

The ultimate way to review your tools

detool surveys your team and aggregates usage data so that you can make decisions and save precious cash. Find out what's critical, what's being used and what needs to be cut or renegotiated.

Sign Up Now
All in one place.
Your tools, team feedback, usage data, all shown in one place.
Sync with Google Workspace.
detool syncs with your Google Workspace to automatically gather tools your team is using and understand their usage.
Survey your team.
detool asks your team for feedback on each tool with a simple survey. No signup required from any team member.
Find what's critical and nice-to-have.
Your tools are categorized as critical, relevante or nice-to-have to help you build a new budget.
Make decisions.
Store your decisions and actions in detool to ensure everyone is on the same page. You can collaborate with your team on those decisions.
Export to Excel.
Export your data to Excel at any time to share with your team or stakeholders.

Get input from your team

Survey your team

detool automates the process of tool auditing within your organization by surveying your team on the tools they use.

Who uses what.
Gather knowledge about which tools are used by each team, and how many licenses, or credits, they actually need.
Move the needle.
Figure out which tools are mission-critical for your team's performance, and which are just a nice-to-have, or maybe not even used at all.
Automatically assign owners.
We'll assign owners automatically to your tools based on their departments.

Understand what's being used

Google Workspace integration

detool connects to your Google Workspace and checks tools and when people logged in. This way you find every tool your team uses and unused licenses.

Find all the tools.
Find tools you didn't know your team is using. Get them reviewed by your team.
Understand logins.
Get insights about the number of users logging in and find inactive users to help you renegotiate.
Stats over time.
Catch trends and understand usage over time to make data-driven decisions.
Product screenshot

One less subscription

Pay-per-audit. Pay only once for each audit.

Tool audit

Auditing tool usage is essential for cost savings, yet, full of small, nagging tasks. With detool, tool audits are automated: you only provide a list of tools and owners. We handle the rest.

What's included

  • Survey all tool owners via email
  • An extensive survey to understand tool usage
  • Export to Excel at any time
  • A report to support your decision-making

Pay once, own it forever

€299 EUR


Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement


What our users and champions say

"A common problem for startups running into large monthly bills simply because of an overwhelming saas services and it has been proven many times that audits save tons of money. Detool helps you to keep track of your spendings! Awesome!"

Sergii Kirianov

"Amazing potential - will definitely use it!"

Madalena Rugeroni

"Detool has proven to be an incredibly valuable resource for managing and optimizing our software tool stack. An essential platform for any organization looking to better manage their software tools, ensuring they're getting the most value."

Margarida Moura

"A must have in today's tool overloaded work environment."

Baukje Bouma

Build better budgets

See how detool can help you find out which tools matter and how they're being used. Your new budget starts here.